>>1732502There is game out there called eratohoK where you play as a general in the tohoverse and wage war against your neighbors to capture and rape their officers sengoku rance style. Recently, in light of all this cirnofagging going around I have taken to playing as the Scarlet Mansion faction, invade my fairy neighbors immediately and raping cirno with tentacles andy own hyper weopan until she is a broken and soulless blue fairy shell, carrying my child and waiting to be raped by me and all of my concubines and slaves until she passes out. I really do enjoy it, and I feel like the good people of /bant/ will too.
https://mega.nz/#!DxI1xBpL!nFPFFnJWPfjzl-k3u8lmCM86wQJiacRmfmX4gPt-SSsSome of it is in moon rune, but worry not it is being translated. Another key features besides sengoku rance and tentacle rape is a modular sex-scene configuration where you can slip file A into slit B while simultaneously fisting female C and having your balls worshipped by females D and E. all this and the fact that the strategy portion is pretty great to is really helps you get over the ui and the lack of pictures. Pic related a game I started for OPs sake, I really should have naimed the mc something not as overly long but it was funny at the time.