had a sleep. i dreamed cathie wood was visiting me for a big extended family dinner, and i was to receive a special prize, but i kept embarrassing myself and crying. my dad was there though and he was still really proud of me despite it all, but that just made me feel worse. not now after i've woken up though, i'm really glad to have seen him now. later on i got to knock out my girl cousin and aunt though, which is something i would never ever suggest you do, especially in light of what i'm going to post about later for special posts, but i am not gonna lie to you all, it was deeply satisfying and i really got them good. kapow!
don't want to put my tea dainties in this thread. i'll wait for a new bake. gonna put some extra effort into them today, on the art side i mean. i am not really inspired to my liking on the music but perhaps i have time to hone them, and what i imagine will be good posts may end up being even better. i don't want to say too much though, they aren't even in the oven yet and the proof will be in the product itself. here is a bit of a teaser though. maybe you guys could tell me what you've been dreaming about, or just dunk on canada for a while. that's been fun. just stop acting so smug and special like you're the best golden child in america, canada, don't make us slug you!!!