>>13486986>>339996387Can anyone add (or correct) this summary?
(ALL mRNA Covid vaccines, and possibly some or all Adenovirus Covid vaccines)
1 to 3 months:
>50x to 75x the adverse reaction rate of all currently used vaccines.>Blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, micro-strokes, heart damage, generalized organ damage.>AT LEAST 10k deaths in North America and 25k deaths in Europe. 6 to 12 months:
>ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement). When the vax wears off and/or the virus mutates the vaccinated will have WORSE cases of Covid with MORE hospitalizations and MORE deaths. Additional "boosters" will work for less time and will make the ADE exponentially worse.12 to ??? months:
>Suppression of CD8 (killer t) cells will cause certain cancers (skin, endometrial) to skyrocket in the vaccinated population.>Some harmless pathogens that CD8 cells deal will become deadly somewhat like having AIDS.18 to ??? months
>Proteins in the brains of the vaccinated become misfolded like TSE (Transmissible Spongeoform Encepholopathy) in deer. This will be misdiagnosed as "idiopathic" Yakov-Creutzfeld Disease (mad cow in humans).>Once symptoms start there is no cure. Mental decline is rapid, followed by death in 6 to 18 months.Did I forget anything?