>>18191823Due to a technical difficulty the Pizzoad commercial never aired, and the conversation continued between the commentators, who didn't realize they were still live
>Commentator 2: Ah look there she is now, that wrestler. What a babe. Look at the size of those tits. I really hope those other Angels girls get her to do Lonelyfans too, I wanna see it all. Bet her tits are even bigger than the ones on that hooker I railed when the wife thought I was travelling on business. Do you reckon Divine would say yes if I asked her out?>Commentator 1: Don't be such a pig, she's young enough to be your daughter. And your wife...>Commentator 2: That frigid fucking hag has me by the balls man. You know I didn't sign a prenup right? I'd give anything to fuck the shit out of a WWA broad like Divine but if my wife ever heard me even so much as say that my life would be over, man. Fuck, I hate that woman, almost as much as I hate n->Commentator 1: Can it, we're on again in five seconds>5>4>3>2>1>Commentator 2: Welcome back folks. As promised, here's WWA's World Champion, the lovely Priscilla Divine with the first pitch!The crowd cheered as Priscilla, who was now standing on the pitcher's mound, smiled and raised her title toward the fans. She was accompanied by one of the baseball players. Priscilla handed the title off to an assistant, and the baseball player handed her the ball she was to throw the pitch with.
With a big smile on her face, Priscilla teased throwing the pitch a few times. The fans became engaged, and Priscilla's antics quickly build anticipation toward the actual throw.
>Commentator 1: And Divine really indulging her ego here. Someone ought tell this young lady we're all here to see two teams play ball, not to see her>Commentator 2: Oh lighten up Bob, she can take all the time she needs.Finally, Priscilla reared back, and there was a roar from the crowd as she threw the ball and...