>>17760367>When did Jesus say He was God? Jesus explicitly claimed divinity multiple times in the Gospels. For example, in John 8:58, He said: “before Abraham was, I AM”, invoking the divine name God used for Himself in Exodus 3:14. This made the Jewish leaders attempt to stone Him for blasphemy (John 8:59).>If Jesus was God, why did He pray? The fact that Jesus prayed does not deny His divinity but rather affirms His humanity. Jesus is both fully God and fully man, an essential doctrine known as the Hypostatic Union. His prayers show His human reliance on and relationship with God the Father.>Would Jesus want us to pray to Him rather than God? We believe in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. These are not three gods, but one God in three Persons. Therefore, praying to Jesus is indeed praying to God.>How is it not blasphemy to call Jesus God? Because He is. When Thomas, in John 20:28, refers to Jesus as "My Lord and my God," Jesus affirms this title.>Why should we believe and read a book written by a bunch of "nobody lunatic followers"? The authors of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Their socio-economic status or societal perception doesn't negate the profound truths they conveyed. Furthermore, their transformation from frightened followers to bold proclaimers of faith testifies to the truth of the resurrection.>How is it justice to commit sin, claim Jesus died for our sins, and have it all go away? This misrepresents Christian teaching. We don't advocate for sinning freely. Instead, we affirm that Christ's sacrificial death and resurrection make forgiveness possible. However, this requires repentance and conversion on our part.Christianity isn't about idolatry. It's about a relationship with the triune God who revealed Himself in history, especially through Jesus Christ. Rather than equating it with paganism, consider it as the fulfillment of all human longing for the divine, a relationship of love.