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Value the good, the true, and the beautiful above all else.
Esteem strength.
Be disgusted by weakness.
Mock vice and extol virtue.
Regard blood and soil as sacred.
Be the father to your children that you always longed for.
Do not waste your vital energy on hedonism rather than sustaining or creating life.
Do not pollute your mind and body with poison.
Do not fetishize the base, degenerative, dysgenic, brutal, and ugly.
Love deeply enough to experience hate.
Be extreme with your moderation in all things.
Do not confound the meanings of tolerance and acquiescence.
Let your altruism be a manifestation of strength rather than pathology.
Mercy should be a manifestation of the power that you wield, not the power that you lack.
Pain is the penultimate didact, embrace it with stoicism. It is the furnace of the forge.
Give your best effort in everything no matter how menial the task.
There are no menial tasks.