We're back where we started
>>20285439 with our anonymous Gentleman. It speaks voloumes now that now, in the 17th and 18th century he has to hide his identity in contrast to the other centuries. Modernity is taking is toll on men's rights and simping is getting way worse.
1744: Man Superior to Woman by 'A Gentleman'
>"Hitherto, the women, conscious of their own inabilities, have cheerfully acknowledged the authority which wisdom gives to men over them, content with the soft dominion which love secures to them over the men ... But the case must necessarily alter from the minute that sex forgets its allegiance to us. Once the women presume to call in question the great duty of vassalage to us, it must be time to withdraw our hearts from their power. They can no longer be safe in the custody of such women as refuse to submit their heads to our authority."—Man Superior to Woman;or, The Natural Right of the Men to Sovereign Authority Over the Women, Asserted and Defended.
>"... unluckily for them (women), all the greatest sages of antiquity, as well as the wisest legislators of all ages, have been of the same mind. The greatest poets, the most eminent divines, the brightest orators, the ablest historians, the most skillful physicians, and the profoundest philosophers, in a word, all who have been famous for excelling in learning, wisdom, and arts, have condemned the women to perpetual subjection, and less noble, less perfect, and consequently inferior to men.... "—ibid
>"What else do we find in women but the bane of friendship, an inevitable pain, a native temptation, a desirable calamity, a domestic snare, a flattering mischief, the very essence of evil, under the semblance of good?—ibid