>>19116446>Holy FUCKBALLS!Kasumi shouted, walking to the backstage area in front of a camera. She had a hand trying to massage her back, groaning and slightly hunched over but stood up straight to face the camera.
>Fuckin hell Nico is strong! Now I'm not the biggest or strongest here, but I'm the fucking smartest dammit. Raw strength can't save you from this!Kasumi pulled her flask out of her pocket with a smirk.
>Sure it might be AgAiNsT the RuLeS or whatever-Kasumi says in a mocking tone, opening her flask.
>-but if it wasn't clear already, I'm going to do ANYTHING to win this tournament. If ya ain't cheating ya ain't trying.Kasumi continues before taking a drink from her flask.
>Ah! Now you almost had me, but strength doesn't mean shit if you're blind. Now, I'm sure Cassie is pinning Ciel right now, so I hope you're ready to-"Cassie lost, Kasumi." A cameraman interrupts her.
>...What!? She's been here for like a fuckin week! Well, I'm more than willing to avenge Cassie's loss. You got lucky tonight bitch, but I'm not going down. Hope you're ready, retard. Now I gotta go lay down somewhere...Kasumi tried to stretch her sore back while walking off camera.
>OH AND JET FUEL CAN'T MELT STEEL BEAMS!Kasumi yelled off camera.