>>20740506We must fucking DO something with the fucking christucks! A LOT of pagans are now fucking pissed at him and I would not be suprised if a lot of us reported him. He fucking deservs this. He fucking was pissing on Adam Green ALL OVER the fucking place just cuz Adam rightfully called the cuck out in pic.
He calls us stupid, ineffective and retarded and he fucks around with "optics" and just fucking hate us.
Worst part is his siding with intolerant christucks and that is a giant middle finger and fuck you to everyone among us that belongs to pagans that got fucking slaughtered by christcucks in Europe and we only want fucking freedom and especially us from the sexual minority community that enjoys our freedom to do drugs, play vidya and watch porn and all that what makes our lives worth living while christcucks fucking tell us we will go to hell for it, so fuck him!!
Lucas Gage, a non-White arab rape baby from half-negro Italy, a total christuck asshole that ATTACKS us pagans and Nazis!! Just LISTEN to this fucking shit and what he is saying about us! WATCH ADAM GREEN if you will fucking watch something and learn something, but NOT these guys! Just listen to this shit about us pagans and Nazis! And it is not the Jews that made us globohomo and the white girls tattooed sluts, but the fucking christcucks!! ALL globohomo came from them!
starts around 9-10 minutes, bragging and then just fucking HATE against us!!
https://rumble.com/v4sop30-pre-op-stream-5124.htmlHeill Óðinn, Sire!!
And fuck everyone in our fanatic Nazi movement who is not a fanatic pagan and worshiper of the gods of our forebears and hating the christucks and their fucking intolerance of all kinds of minorities with a fucking fanatic passion!