>>1358961>I'd like something more casual but most of them seem to just be filled with like 500 people who don't seem to talk at all, and just join for the leveling bonus that guilds give or whatever? That's definitely a problem with modern WoW. That kind of guild you described sprung up around cata as a gold generator from level perks. People get invited to those from a script so there's never any sense of community.
Your best bet is probably to join a guild that raids but advertises as recruiting socials.
>And how do all these cross-realms and servers work? Can you join a guild based on a different server and quest with them or whatever?I don't think so unless they're part of the connected realm on your server. They've merged low pop servers over time and connected others from a bigger AH so you can join guilds within those specific realms.
But on group finder you can join groups or raids across all the servers listed for whatever kind of group content people advertise. So it's a lot easier to get groups together for things now, especially at off-peak times.