>>160086742I'm tired of nigger month. Carver and his stolen peanut butter?? what about JESSE FUCKING OWENS??? god damn kikes.... i will take the jews down....they killed my king MJ, and they are turning cosby into a rapist now? we solved racism in the 80's and 90's faggots. but obama nigger wants to bring up race? fuck this shit. New white pride hunting video....coming today ill show you how whites hunt. they can come for our guns, but all the jews are going to get is bullets. lots and lots of bullets. RADICAL KENDAMAS jewtube.....1488 make america gr8....justice for jesse owens....that would make a great hash tag....#justiceforjesse meme that shit into americucks twitter
love to /b and /pol and /x......WHITE JESUS has your back Polacks