>>16842603>I think what certain buddhist schools call "eternal buddha nature"yeah buddha nature is a concept i've stayed away from for the most part
>That which is really good answer
>Is it like an attempt to short circuit the analytical mind in a way but it's more to point at the direct experience which makes up the absolute core of zen/chan. if you ask a philosopher what the weather is they may tell you all about it, give you some recommended reading. if you ask a zen master they point outside immediately.
just like if you asked what a strawberry was i would bring you one, not a book on strawberries.
that dialogue is the master bringing the student the strawberry, by pointing at the direct experience which makes up the true theater of our lives, what we call "what is."
that's the thing, it's not a riddle. it's literal.
next time your mind is getting in your way, too distracted maybe, too emotional, whatever, put it in a box and mail it to me so i can help you calm it down.
then realize that you CAN'T do that.
then start thinking about the implications of that, and start looking for it and seeing it in meditation.