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Nothing, actually. Here is an inside look at the mechanics of WMAF couples. A bit graphic, but true. Asian women have convulsions when a white cock is first inside them. It's not something they talk about, but if you've ever seen the face sucker in Aliens, that's exactly what happens with their pussy. This hunger they have is deeply genetic. And it scared the shit out of me the first time I experienced it. I thought I killed her. So, there's that. It's a genetic level lock and key. Like they've been starving their entire lives and suddenly get to eat.
But most asian girls won't experience this because white men have standards(just a fact), so they will never meet or be approached by them in the first place. And those Asian girls will hide in their ching chong cliques forever. And that will be the story of their meaningless buglike lives. Ching. Chong.
But some do make the cut, which is who you are seeing at your job. It's not a race traitor issue when their children exceed the health and intellect of the parents. Some hapa males won't do well, but most will. The females will always do well, unless you don't raise them properly. So that's the trade off. But then again, that's the trade off is you are pure Nordic as well.
In any case, these WMAF aren't spamming forums and social media with their family/couplings. Ricels and Butthurt white women do that plenty. No need to have an online footprint when you are already top tier. You hide what's valuable. You don't show it off like a retarded nigger. This is the difference between IRL and glowposting.