>>18461280>Russian is most definitely an ethnicity.A nation of literal mongoloid mutts, with stolen Nordic DNA
>There is Russian the ethnicity Pyccкий(Russkiy)No such thing. Ask Jewtin.
>and Russian the nationality Poccиянин/Poccийcкий(Rossiyanin/Rossiyskiy)Literally the only thing Russia has.
>Khabib Nurmagomedov isn’t ethnically Russian, but he’s a Russian citizen, for example.Jewtin says otherwise.
>The singer, Nikolai Baskov, is an ethnic Russian thoughIs he, really? Also, if you're an ethnic Russia, why are you brown, and he is White? Something doesn't add up, unless you're a nation of mutts.
>as well as being a Russian citizen, for example.Anyone brown is welcome to be Russian.
>You’re clearly retarded and have no clue what the difference between ethnicity and nationality is on account of your tiny brain that’s been filled with corn starch and red 40, so I’ll cut you some slack.Keep coping, shitskin mutt.