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No. It was not "shit."
I hear so many people complaining about the main story. When was the main story the deciding factor of a game? I thought that playing a video game meant having as much fun as possible while playing. I would rather play a really fun game with a shitty story than a really boring game with an amazing story.
That being said, I found the main story to be interesting enough to play through. I thought the whole dragonborn thing was really interesting and one that we haven't seen in an Elder Scrolls game yet, at least one that hasn't been implemented as a main part of the story. Playing the main story took you to many cool locations like Whiterun, High Hrothgar, and Sovngarde.
Also, are you all forgetting about the side quests? Some of them had awesome backstories to go along with them, particularly the Daedra quests. There was a quest for every Daedra lord, minus one or two I believe (one being an entire add-on).
Most NPCs were two-dimensional, yes, but the quests they gave you were interesting and fun enough to complete anyway.
What is wrong with the game world itself? Honestly. The scenery is breathtaking, especially for a 2011 game running on the shitty Creation engine. The temperate forests in the south, the swamps of the west, the snowy mountains of the north, the Dwemer ruins, the castles, and even the cities, despite being small, had a really nice aesthetic appeal, particularly Windhelm and Markarth, that made them stand out from each other.
The gameplay wasn't amazing, but the controls were solid. I never found myself frustrated because I couldn't swing my sword or there was a delay when equipping items/casting magic, or whatever.
I could go on and on about how this game wasn't bad, but I'll leave it at this for now. I enjoyed the time I put into it. Probably have around 300-500 hours, not sure (console and PC play-through). Is it the best Elder Scrolls game? No, but it still beats many modern games that exist today. 8/10 for me.