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Friendly reminder that the dating crisis is purely an American phenomenon and it's probably due to the fact that 71.6% of all adults aged 20 and over are overweight, including obesity. The number is almost evenly distributed among the genders with slightly less women being overweight & obese. This leaves only a small number of just 28.4% of women aged 20 and over who are even dateable and that's also not adjusted for age, meaning this number includes old hags and grannies. So unless you have a deranged hamplanet fetish (which most men don't), chances that you find a girl in the US with a healthy weight who's also single, are very, very small.
You don't have a hypergamy problem, it's not video games, social media or dating apps, you have the problem that 2/3rd of your population are literally unfuckable goblins.