>>9930804I'm not worried about the automated shit either becasue all it'll take is for someone to hack one of the trucks and use it to kill people or steal a load or to have a fatality caused by an automated.
Not the mention the cost of the infrastructure and the equiopement required to support the automated trucks. it'll be another 15-20 years AT LEAST before we start seeing widespread automation, that's assuming we're even around then.
Also don't give a fuck about the low pay as I have very little debt and I don't plan to have an apartment or car so off time will be spent in a hotel and using uber.
My main hobby is watching anime which i can download everything on the road or while at a truck stop for my 30 or 10.
If i feel the need to go out sight seeing I just call and uber or use a folding bike.
When i feel like eating a real meal i can use a portable grill, a hot plate or any other number of gear and just buy groceries at the local store instead of eating garbage.
The more I think about everything the more I want to do it.
It's even getting to the point where I'm thinking about way i can get myself kicked out so i can start sooner.