>>17184076>>17184141As a side note, one of the few things I'm comfortable revealing about myself is that I am an author by trade. That's why I have so much time to spend here.
I really enjoy these threads, even arguing with the shills. 9/11 is critically important if we ever want to make any progress against the eternal jew and their mechnations.
It's a long shot, but I'm never going to stop trying to redpill people and expose it. If we ever manage to get someone with actual balls in office, not a jewish ball licker like Trump, but someone like how he acted in 2015 or 16, who would actually expose it, people would finally be pissed off enough to rise up and throw off the chains that bind us.
I highly encourage anyone who doubts me to read my book. It's free to download and share for anyone. In it, I expose and prove hundreds of things that have never been fully documented or exposed before. Like I said, I legitimately think I know more about 9/11 than anyone else alive except the people who did it, and I think my book is the most comprehensive analysis of the event produced yet.
Anyone who's not a shill should agree with me. The issue is there's always a few posters in here, usually the DEW guys, that are clearly more interested in starting womanly, bitchy cat fights and throwing around insults or the classic "you're a bot or shill" "no you're a bot or shill" lines than actually digging into the facts and exposing 9/11 to more people.
It's the NUMBER ONE most important thing we talk about on this board. If you're against me, then you don't want the truth to get out. Not one single fact in my book can be debunked.
Still, I love you guys, even the bots, shills, and glowniggers, no homo. You guys are my brothers, and one day we WILL win this fight. Jesus is real, and he's on our side.