>>12454529>how is that there tarkov........hell. Of all things you can experience in a video game. This. This is hell. Nothing will save you. Cheap shit gets you every time. There is no warning. One footstep and then a few shots is the last thing you hear before you're back at the main menu with no gear and missing health.
We run through the streets, forests and buildings of this Russian hellscape where cyka blyat might as well mean "you're dead" with the only hope that we don't get shot in the arm and bleed to death because we can't find bandages.
Only the hardest, toughest and most masochistic shed blood and tears in Tarkov. If you are big in one FPS game you are but a mere speck in Tarkov.
We are nothing. Death does not matter. Loot does not matter.
Nothing matters.
Shoot the things that move and don't get shot but even when you try your hardest you can still get capped by that cheap ass shit.
My head fills with my potential ambushes every time I see the extract counter counting down and hear footsteps.
You will NEVER experience a game like you do Tarkov. Buy it only if you want an intense ride of hyper realism, guntism and essentially playing dark souls with guns.