thus you cannot expect some people with certain inherentbptoperties to stand living in such deplaurable conditions, it's one thing when you have to work with what you got and can't have it any other way, but when you got a system that is so corrupt and faulty you know you could do so much better if you just revolted against the system and make it right and have it better- but the means of fixing the system are either too expensive, too risky, illegal for unjustified reasons and practically impossible
so you sit depressed knowing that you could live as normaly as those nobodies on the street if you weren't born the way you were, you are simply ubfavoured, people like you can't have it real they have it fake- and that shit hurts
>depressionwhy not just go where the truth lies
if you feel emotionally depleted, feeling almost nothing for majority of time with the only remnants of the emotion being anxiety, paranoia, fear, temporal sadness, weltschmertz, other negative emotions
all becauae your brain has to inhibit your own brain activity as it just goes too rampant at times
you barely feel any happiness in reall life with them lasting only for brief moments
if you have that by definition you got depression
even if you have just some of those at different levels of severities you still have depression
if they ask you why you're not seeking medical help just be honest and say you're not convinced that medical professionals could do something about it, the field is still being explored and bigger improvements are necessary to be made you're just not comfortable with the possibility of being a lab rat that ends on a unfavourable percentage of people that get prescribed this or that antidepressant- which for some reason sometimes seem to activate even bigger depressive response