>>18599534>>18602160>>18602271Amy steps back as the cold sensation in her hand fades away, now that everyone had been smartened up there was a chance they could perhaps figure this whole strange mess out and maybe put things right. Amy glances at Nikki, then at Colby, then back to Nikki again and bites her lip, is now the right time for this? If not now, when?
>"Nicole."Amy gathers every ounce of courage in her body.
>"Nicole, I'm really angry with you right now."The first step is the hardest. Get it all out now.
>"Before we knew Jen was alive we all thought she'd been taken from us, we didn't get a chance to say the things we should've said or have our last goodbyes. We were all scattered and suffering, but I thought no matter what happened that we'd always have each other. I love you Nicole, I look up to you so much, because... we both came from pain... we both came to this country, to the WWA to build a new life for ourselves and despite all the shit we've been through we both made it. I love it here, you guys have made me happier than I ever thought I could be. People like us rarely get second chances - by all rights I should be working in a supermarket. It's incredible how far we've come and I thought we'd always have that bond."Amy takes Nikki's hands.
>"And that's why it breaks my heart to imagine you on that clifftop all alone. We've been through so much together Nicole and you couldn't even call me? I thought we were friends. Imagine if things had gone differently and Priscilla, Colby and I had lost Jen and then lost you too. How could any of us go on after that? Everyone I've ever cared about has abandoned me and I'm sorry to lay this on you but goddamn it my feelings matter too. I'm sorry I failed you. I'm sorry for feeling angry."Colby steps in and wraps her arms around the two now weeping redheads. Amy places an arm around Colby's waist and the other around Nicole clutching a fistful of Nikki's pyjamas and holding on for dear life.