>be me>have to go to South Africa for a month for work>hotel is a gated compound>feral niggers wandering around outside so pretty much stuck in there>nothing to do one day>wonder what the news is like in SA?>some fat black bitch on there>talking about the latest witchdoctor controversy>apparently people are pissed because shaman are taking kids to a secret mountain>and cutting their dick skin off>some of the kids die or lose their dick to infection>the protesters want the practice banned>the news is concerned for the shamans "rights" to express his religion>and the kids access to their god>and demonizing the protesters as intolerant and bigoted>think to myself >how can a country be this backwards?>I can't believe shit like this still happens in current yearFast forward a few months
>in DTLA for work>hotel is a gated compound>feral niggers wandering around outside so pretty much stuck in there>nothing to do one day>wonder what the news is like in LA?>some fat black bitch on there>talking about the latest gender surgery controversy>apparently people are pissed because doctors are taking kids to a secret hospital>and cutting their dicks off and giving them hormones>some of the kids die to suicide or lose their dick to infection>the protesters want the practice banned>the news is concerned for the doctors "rights" to practice his medicine>and the kids access to their healthcare>and demonizing the protesters as intolerant and bigoted>think to myself >how can a country be this backwards?>I can't believe shit like this still happens in current yearAmerica is a backwards fucking shithole. Deny it all you want but its a nigger tier shithole with a Gucci bag.