I've got good genes, I actually did a survey of about 15 women and I averaged an 8. I get all the smiles from 6/10 women and below. Also, I'm a smooth talker; I read a lot, and I have theater experience.
However once they find out:
>I haven't watched a popular television show since 2008>I typically don't listen to music with lyrics at all, except in latin because J S Bach is my nigga>Rap noises (which will never be music) make me painfully sick, and so does anything with a 1-and-3 trance-style kick beat.>I think dancing is the stupidest looking thing I've ever seen people do, it's so cringe to watch people gyrate like apes. There is no type of dancing that doesn't look retarded.Forget all the power level stuff, doesn't even matter if I hide it or not. The second I prove that I don't know anything about popular culture, they give me the "Ick Face" and promptly seek an end to the conversation.