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In the end, it's vagina economics. Men need to recreate the Philosophers Clubs like Greek and Romans had. In the modern day, that is the Chans and Gaming Communities. Keep women the fuck out of those places so the value stays high. That value of camaraderie competes with pussy.
Part of the feminism mantra is to infiltrate and ruin all things that men love. That is why men are shamed for having friendship with each other; being part of mens groups like fantasy football, etc. Men are told to get their companionship from women and that is what makes men miserable as they are a slave to pussy.
Honestly, the mechanisms are in place to reset the value of pussy. "Mens Clubs" are popping up online with the advent of social media. Women used social media to their advantage first to feed their narcissism. Men are catching up to share Red Pill knowledge on Female Nature. In the end men will prevail as their testosterone will eventually bring them back to a position of leadership. The Red Pill knowledge passed around online will eventually allow men to form an army against the rise of unruly women. I think you will see female suicide rates skyrocket in the post wall 30s. That will be your first metric to watch.