Semi-related: after I entered the classroom, some other guy came in and presented his t-shirt to me which had a cartoon, pic related.
>>9385643The thing about using that as a defense is this: if you say you high-fived my face, then I will say "So you admit your crimes, then?" That is every bit as much a mortal sin as "hitting" me, and if you do it I will curse your blessings, destroy you from among the nations, and blot out your name from under the heavens forever. If you had any fear of The Lord, and if you had an ounce of prudence in your body, then you would know not to high-five my face.
Also, I don't think anally raping me, stabbing me in the anus during the rape, and then inserting sexual torture and other implants in the stab wound to indefinitely prolong the rape is something that can be realistically lumped into something called a high-five, and neither can stealing my semen and selling it for millions of dollars while I am filthy and sleeping in the gutter because I don't have $30 to rent a room for a night.
Also, the
>(((absolute))) >(((worst))) >(((heresy))) >(((in))) (((all))) (((of))) >(((Christendom))), bar none, is probably not something that will be recorded in history as a high-five: something with a generally positive connotation.