>https://archive.palanq.win/bant/thread/18184981Amelia placed her hand on a wall mounted interface, recognising her fingerprints with a pleasant series of chimes a faint electrical hum could be heard almost immediately as electrical power lit up an array of terminals and monitors in front of her. She strolled from room to room peering at instruments, machines, computers and power outlets for signs of life and upon finding everything seemingly in full working order she breathed a sigh of relief. People may be complicated but comparatively speaking these machines are much easier to understand. She'd lost track of how long this endeavour had taken and how much it had cost but the first step was complete.
Amy's misunderstanding over using CGI to fake Nicole's philanthropic hospital visits had the cogs in her head turning, why pay for expensive studio time when we have the space available to construct one right here in the Divine Mansion? The initial setup costs were steep but the long term possibilities were potentially endless. Alongside a full recording studio Amy had four soundproof recording booths constructed as well as a room for her DJ equipment so she could play, mix and record whenever she felt like it, there was a slightly smaller second studio with comfortable chairs and a desk that could be used for interviews or perhaps future episodes of Colby's Corner, a room for Amy's records, a room for Colby's tape collection, an office, a lounge, a full motion-capture suite, a server room, and the crown jewel; a high-end HALCYON PC with a quasi AI system that could potentially control everything on the local network using voice commands. It was thrilling.