>>19001092Ava gleefully inspects the scene around her, the bar room is completely destroyed and filled with the injured bodies of her fallen opponents. Against all odds, she had won. Not only that but she had personally eliminated every single opponent
>Ha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!>Who's tough now?>Not you fahking pussies, I just laid you all out>Dat vas great fun, getting a chance at beating each of you up>Now you know de true meaning of HELLoveen>Blood and slaughter!Ava starts mockingly dancing and twirling around the broken bar room, through a demonic smile she starts letting out a song
>In dis town, ve call home>Everybody hail to de pumpkin song>Everybody SCREAM>Everybody SCREAM>In our town of HalloveenAva now begins looking her fallen opponents directly in their eyes as she continues her song, adding her own lyrics
>I am de psycho on de edge of extreme>Filling de room vit your blood-curling screams>I am de ultra-violent queen of hardcore>Spilling your blood all over de floorAva climbs onto the bar counter and spreads her arms up wide with her new title in hand to belt out the final part of her song
>Our girl Ava is queen of de bar room brawl>Everyone hail to de hardcore queen now!>DIS IS HALLOVEEN, DIS IS HALLOVEEN>HALLOVEEN, HALLOVEEN, HALLOVEEN, HALLOVEEN