>>11822285>Well not everyone wants to be a parent straight or not and there's definitely some out there that just shouldn't be.I find this to be the flaw in your argument. It is our responsibility as a society to make sure all white people have the opportunity and skills to become parents.
Instead you have this faux debate between people who want a supposed meritocracy (while tacitly approving of the extermination of 90% of the white race)
vs people who want hedonism to be the only guiding light (which necessarily obviates the duty to raise the next generation)
vs people who have had their desire for a better future so perverted they openly call for the extermination of the white race.
The truth can only be that when we look at poor whites, be they leftist abominations, or right wing hooligans, we must see this as neglected clay awaiting molding by someone who desires what is best for the clay itself. And once aware of this truth we must act in accordance with that principle beyond all others.
Housing the homeless and maintaining a strong martial tradition are not antagonistic world views, but two halves of a greater whole. The better we are at one the easier the other becomes. Our only real mistake is when the greedy tell us they are necessary, we believe them.
How do homosexuals fit in to this? Well sans a cure they exist in service to that whole as does everyone else. There can be no homosexual rights without homosexual duties, and their duty is to facilitate healthy heterosexual families in whatever way they are able. And indeed most homosexuals, certainly males but the more reasonably and intelligent lesbians as well, feel the urge to fufill this duty as strongly as they feel their perverse sexuality, a torturous dilemma which is in no way balmed by asserting that homosexuals are equal to heterosexuals, and directly contrived by proposing them as a replacement to the heterosexual household that birthed them.