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I am convinced that autistic phenotypes emerge in times of great societal stress or moral breakdown. Low functioning ones are selected aginst immediately, but high functioning spergs are left without a proper ability to emulate/mimic others. Probably further compounded by the emotional distance of their traumatized mother, but can be socialized into society.
Anyway, we are left with people who lack an intuitive social awareness, and have reptitive obsessive tendencies. Due to that lack of basic social mimicing/emotional intuition they struggle to find the inherent value in doing as others do, coupled with an acute attention to detail; the autist is more likely to call out others on the social bullshit that they dont agree with. Its my wholehearted belief that when populations reach a critical mass, crime and degeneracy goes up, women start to become compromised. Their wombs offer their solution; a class dedicated to externalized morality, who dont give a shit about social cohesion. They create loud mouth reactionaries with zeal and resolve in their fixation.
We are not a uniquely modern phenomenon anon. In days past, we would have been either shit shovelers; if our sires were wealthy and literate, we would have oppurtunity to indulge in more useful fixations, such as theology, language, art, natural sciences, etc. I dont regularly engage in ahistoric speculative diagnosis of historical figures; but I cant help but think of Martin Luther as the archetypal medieval sperg. You have to be on the spectrum to itemize your grievances, and revel in the righteousness of your cause as he did. Embrace your phenotype anon, speak clearly and rationally of the evil you see in the world, and laugh as the NT's seethe and cope in the wake of truth.