>>11882045do it
>>11882894locked af take on current situation
>sorrowI wouldn't call sorrow emotion either
emotions aren't equal to sensation, sorrow, pain, misery, anger, envy, lust, hunger... none of these are emotions, they are sensations, reflexes to stimuli, laughing is a reflex that can be activated by tickling... but the sensation from that reflex doesn't have to be pleasant
you can feel good without being happy
you can take good care of somebody without feeling anything towards them
sociopaths... psychopaths... they surely can sense some emotions, but they are infinitesimaly smaller than in regular humans... though sociopaths can be rehabilitated with ample medicating procedure
egocentrists.... narcissists... megalomaniacs... they can orolly feel emotions but they don't deny they are centred around them, they don't oretend like other people that they are doing everything they do for themselves... it's just that "normal" people forget about that, they end up believing it... and then only time tells if they believe it till the end
>certain degreeonly in the start, as time moves on one should dispose the cidependant factor as to remove any suspicion that you are together because you'd be worse off without each other, it has to built upon personal interests- you're together because you want to... not because you have to
>whywhy? you're asking why a woman would seek safety in another man's arms that looks better and treats her better and with whom she doesn't have to be afraid he'll attack her the moment she even accidentally insinuated he looked like shit or somebody ekse looked better
gee I wonder why