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Pic related is my gf before we had Kimchi 김치 (traditional dinner) together. She's chinese herself
You see, I've been dating her for three years, and whenever I go round her house, everyone there is happy. We actually take our shoes off, and we bow. They have manners on the dinner tables, and whenever I visit, I wear their cultural robes for dining. Their food is also good.
You see, unlike white People, Chinese Han actually have culture and manners. This is why I've adopted Chinese and other east asian culture myself and have completely thrown away western '''values''' of greed, jewishness, zionism, materialism, and selfishness. I only wear chinese clothing, I only eat chinese and thai food, I only listen to KPOP and JPOP, as well as classical chinese. I only watch anime from china, I only read books in mandarin language.
And again, I say this as a fellow white male who voted Trump, and even used to be a far right trumpist republican, who would have been more than happy to stick a n***er, asian, kike, and muslims head on a spike. But then I grew up and took the Asian waifu life. And it's fucking great.
You should do the same. The chinese age is coming weather you like it or not, and you either side with our based dragon friends from the far east, or you side with the zionist jews, rothschild UK aristocrats, and WASP's and get stamped on. Chinese society values hard work, friendship, and culture, as well as traditional values.