Having arrived at Waifu Colliede in style. Are Gem was officially seated front row for most of the match night one.
>Still made that dog never got her message. >Oh well what the worst to come in this event.>>19869884>THAT FUCKING DOG> Leaving me off the fucking cut because I'm the hero that wants to keep this company from becoming a madhouse. >Bans me from the damn show, then has or had the balls to enter himself. Good job Shougun, but I'm going to fix a problem soon. >>19870360After the raw hatred of the battle royal, and thinking of future events for the Dog. The next just brought confusion.
>Wait why the fuck do we even have the GJPW championship on the card. I thought we hated those Gooner bastards because of the company wars. Then again the dog and fox could be having that illegal homosexual interaction cross-company love after so there is a connection. >>19870816After the sheer border of the last match, comes the one Dia is most looking forward to.
>Come on Shizo, I hate everything you represent but I got a destiny with Victoria quick. >Now with public records, let's see what mistakes she made in the past, that are coming to hunt her in the future. >Get ready queeny, with you thought I was bad before, now you dealing with YOUR HERO.