>hard times do hinder that feeling,I've done my best work under pressure and duress...simply because I had to make it work out best somehow--which is, in itself, something to be grateful for. Literally lives saved a few times.
Empathetically-speaking, yes, I do feel pain. But that pain quickens my resolve and fuels me. I wish I had the perfect words to instantly heal you, to make you feel joy again; you must know I've tried more than a few times.
Is this the stuff of some mineral or nutrient missing or lacking in your diet? I truly feel helpless now, because nothing I can offer makes a difference...which is odd, because it's something I long been known for. A Healer of Souls, so to speak.
Here's a virtual hug, fwiw. Try to smile. Go on. Just a little teeny bit, the smallest of smiles will do. Just one...for me, please. One Itty bitty smile.