>>14667835There is one war, which is really important.
Not the Ukraine war.
Not WW3.
It is the war against our Central Nervous System (CNS).
> What the fuck are you talking about?!Neurologists in germany, are losing their Jobs.
Some have noted that there is a increase of Neurological issues.
Nobody """knows""" why. But each and every one who reached out to governments got raided or a letter that they should shut the fuck up.
> what did they find?Myelin destruction.
> Myelin is the isolationlayer of your nevers> if your myelin layer is hurt, you will get diseases such as:> Multiple Sclerosis> Miamata Dissease> Alzheimers> Compulsive Disorders> Depression> Reduced motorfuction> dizzyness> numbness in the limbs> What causes Myelin destruction?Neurotoxins.
> Bismuth> Mercury> Vanadium> Musk ketone> Heavy metals in general> High amounts of pottasium> emulsifieers which protote cell absobtion of heavy metals such as Polysorbat-80 and cationic liposomesEverything is in the vaccines.
Everything is in process foods.
Especcially Polysorbat and other emulsifiers which are used in Pressed meat and vegan fake meats.
> Watch thishttps://odysee.com/@JanusKinase:e/neuro-war:e