>>10136799>HURRR I'M GONN- I'M GONNA VOOOOOOTE>get a better job so you can pay more money to your government that is using your own money to ethnically replace and genocide you>pay more taxes so you can get ethnically replaced quicker>vote for your favourite kosher puppetyou're an absolute fucking domesticated nigger cattle. are you sick of winning yet after putting Israel first? you blithering fucking idiot
you are legitimately the greatest burden to the white race; you are worse than welfare leeching niggers, COMPLETELY unironically. you're a spiritual boomer
the fuck are you doing? wasting your time voting for your favourite shabbos goy? (news flash - whole system is against you) voting? working for the jewish system? paying your taxes to genocide whites? I despise you more than non-whites. you perpetuate this hell jew society more than anyone
>contribute something locallyyes to keep this fucking shit hell society of enslaved dumb fuck consumers running, of course you would, faggot. go play another video game. go watch another game of thrones episode
fuck off. you are worse than a literal welfare nigger that syphones dumb cunt tax paying retard's money away from Israel and into his own pockets. at least he's got survival instincts