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So as if anime isn'd already bad enough by idself
now you modherfuggers are gedding indo a liddle somedhing galled :DD drabs.
basigally, id's a dude dhad dresses lige a ghigg, has a digg, and you say isn'd gay.
well i'm here do dell you id's fugging gay. If i walged :DD ub do you righd fugging now, me being a dude and you being a
dude, and you god durned :DD on by me, dhad would be gay. Id's no differend for fugging drabs.
jusd gause dhey dress lige a ghigg doesn'd mean dhey are a ghigg, dhey god a digg and id's gay.
and don'd say dhe digg mages id guder.
dhad doesn'd mage id guder, id mages id even gayer. Dhad mages you gay, bidgh.
and you send me bigdures of dhem widh dheir fugging sgirds lifded :DD and dheir nuds hanging down.
i don'd wanna see dhad shid.
i'm nod gay lige you.
sdob sending me hendai.
sdob sending me anime bigdures.
sdob sending me drabs.
oh my god.