>>10938461 >[...] THe tRUe rEaSon foR maKInG sOMeONE to coME iNTO beInG IS nEver FOR the PERSoN’s OWn sAkE, but AlWaYS FoR THE iNTeREsT OF hIS/hEr PRogeNitoRS, iN a clear ATTituDE Of mAnIPUlatioN; RAdicaL maNIPULatION iNdEEd BecAUse, in CoNtrAST wIth uSuAL maNIpuLation of PEopLE alREaDY alIve, mAnipULATion in PRoCreatIoN AFfecTS the VeRy BeINg oF THe PerSon, aND NOt onlY SoME OF His/hEr PrEdicATEs.