>>10647487 >THE REasOn FoR sKEtCHING wHaT'S <i>TECHNIcAlLy</i> feASiBLe witH thE toOls oF syNThETIC BiOLOgY is tHat oNLy <i>aFTER</i> huMAn COmPliCITy In tHe pERsistEnce Of SufFerING IN tHE BiOSPHERe IS AcknoWLEDGEd CaN We Hope to hAVe An informeD SOciO-poLitICAl DEbAtE ON tHE moRAliTy of iTS peRPetuATiON. No SeriouS EtHICAl DIScuSSion oF FRee-LiVINg anImAL SUFFeRiNG CaN Begin iN The aBsENce oF recOgnITIon OF huMAn reSponsIbIlitY FOr NonHUMaN wEll-beIng.