Transition, it's your only shot at have any dignity in life.
What should I expect as a MtF?: should I expect as a FtM?: do I know I have dysphoria?: to know to do it on my own?: to buy homebrewed estrogen?: do even I know homebrewed estrogen is safe?: to find other stuff?: is more difficult to get a hold of because it is a very controlled substance, unlike estradiol. The difficulty will vary greatly depending on your geographical location.
For all else you can ask /hrtgen/ on the catalog, make a thread on /lgbt/ and post on /r/TransDIY on Reddit.
"I'm AGP. Am I valid? Should I troon? Yes, if you have dysphoria. Seek guidance on /r/askAGP. It is full of dysphoric AGPs such as yourself. Same for AAPs: /r/autoandrophilia.
Remember to denounce the Talmud and all of its teachings.