>>18152320I enjoy arguing with these faggots reaffirms what I don't want to be in life. Watch this below
Hey fatlad chasing kiwi sheepfucker, I could offer you the opinion that I know with an almost scientific level of certainty that in facial structure and body that I am better looking than you, I could offer you antidotes of women coming up to me at clubs and making out with me, of going to bars in overseas countries and having young attractive girls brush my shoulders with their hands and dart their eyes to the side to catch a glance at my direction, of meeting attractive girls that you could only find in the isolated villages and towns of the world, the absolute beauty of the their own little existence, and seeing their back arch and their wonderful voluptuous tits pop out like cartoon eyeballs when I talk to them, of these types of women giving me compliments on how beautiful my eyes are in the glistening light of the sun, and at this point I haven't even gotten to the sex.
The thing is I don't, mainly because I don't derive my value from these experiences like a pathetic materialistic chasing faggot such as yourself.
They say that fat restricts blood flow to the brain. Unfortunately for you, it seems some of the cellulite of all those fat chicks you fucked transferred to your dumb little kiwi head, and now you can only think in terms of your own petrified little pathetic ego. Anyone who thinks your behaviour can be judged, like any other behavior, therefore is just some pejorative "other" you can place in a box and dismiss as a means of protecting your ego. You are thus absolved from judgement, the mentality of a child.
So go on. If fucking a fat Maori chick with retarded tribal tats up and down her cratered bloated body while she does the Hakka on your cock gives you some small sense of meaning in life, go for it. Just don't think people won't give you shit for thinking this is something to settle for in life. Vermin.