>>16458512>the feeling of waking up literally a couple hours before sunset has to be one of the shittiest feelings on the entire planet that's very fucking true i woke up like that once in my life i think and after that i had a huge fucking migraine fucking me up but no just for one day but for three days in a row it was fucking terrible i thought i will literally die or something
on the third day it was so unbearably painful i had to call an ambulance and they injected me with some strong painkiller right into my vein but i was so dizzy and fucked up and dying i didn't notice that some cotton thingie they gave me to plug the hole in my vein fell off and i started to bleed and stuff yeah that was not very pleasant at all i'm never going to sleep that late again
>and no i think i would rather jump into a comically large blender than live in ohiothat's actually fucking funny, hilarious even
yeah thank god you live in louisiana