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How bluepilled and cucked must a person be be to follow a religion of literal cuckoldry? It's founded on an alpha fux beta bux situation.
Mary only saw Joseph as a good beta provider, so she got in a relationship with him, but not fuck him under the guise of saving her virginity. As Joe was slaving away for his "precious, chaste wife" she went off and fucked three guys and got pregnant.
Mary came up with a lie to keep the situation with her beta provider, claiming it was a 'holy spirit' that put her baby in her. Joseph's dumb beta add fell for it. The 3 alphas heard about the baby situation and wanted to check the paternity situation. Mary didn't want to ruin everything she had with her beta provider, so she told Joseph they were kings/wise men with gifts. They came with exotic perfumes, not baby shit. Joseph swallowed the lie because his perfect trad wife could do no won't surely. Mary claimed a fictional wizard put a star in the sky for the alphas to follow. What likely happened is that they likely fucked Mary in Joseph's home whilst he was away.
All Christians are conditioned to be cucks.