Brothers in Christ it is time to congregate once more. Christian Generals will always be the most important threads of /pol/
Nuisances to watch out for in this thread:
- Glowniggers.
- Jews.
- A diverse plethora of "Useful idiots" pushing Satan's agenda.
What is a useful idiot:"A useful idiot or useful fool is a pejorative description of a person, suggesting that the person thinks they are fighting for a cause without fully comprehending the consequences of their actions, and who does not realize they are being cynically manipulated by the cause's leaders or by other political players."
Always remember that an enemy of Christ is a Jew's sacrificial pawn that is under the dominion of Satan. Until the enemy of Christ is able to break free from the chains/cult of Satan, they live permanently in delusion and cannot be reasoned with. Feel free to decimate these enemies of Christ in front of /pol/ so that more people will come to understand that the only way to defeat the enemies of humanity is through Christ and Christ alone.
Thread Topics:
- How you came to Christ
- Favorite verses
- What is sin?
- What does it mean to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, "to walk with Christ" essentially?
- And whatever other topics you see fit to talk about.
Always remember, the goal of the enemies is to ensnare our souls through shattering of faith via complete & utter 24/7 demoralization of spirit. They will not kill us as we would simply go to Heaven, their objective is to bring our souls to their dark masters & false gods.
So long as you consider yourself a friend of Christ or have a genuine desire for understanding and befriending the only sinless man to have ever walked this planet, then your background does not matter and you will always be welcome within these threads.