>>10315304it's not that phenomenal high, these are not psychadelic but rather dissociative
>haHAAA yeeeeeeoh, that thing, okkei
I bet I could get away with posting penis joint and nobody would bat an eye
>no I would just have to change undies more often feom nocturnal polutionyou generally shouldn't reveal suicidal thoughts to the therapist, nothing good ever comes of it trust me
what were your visions like, for introspect one of the more common ones is me standing in front of a mirror with my straightbrazor/shavette and just getting flashes of going from ear to ear-I still shaved most of the times- but there were also times whrn I simply chose not to shave
yes, getting warded for a momth would already fuck me over, and with no provacy and shitty food source I'm pretty sure by the end of it all I'll be the one who cuts
>>10315391didn't you say your zits were getting better from water?
or was it the other aussie
but in hindsight I don't know what makes me grind these threads every single day