Quoted By:
Again Maria chuckled, by now finishing her drink and leaving it on a windowsill as Noire and Oni kept on yelling at each other, the older and wiser woman keeping her composure as the young firebrand kept digging herself into that hole.
>"Ah, so you're kidnapping AND keeping them hostage huh?"
>"You know that's a crime darling?"
>"The Dojo rookies are free to say when they're ready to leave, mind you that one of said rookies that 'ran away' is the woman that beat you and is the current Intercontinental Champion. I'd say she's doing quite well for herself."
>"And some of them just need a push to leave, for example Sola Fire."
The mention of the Oni Academy to be more succesful caused Maria to put her hands on her hips.
>"Then do it, nothing stopping you darling. In fact, I encourage it. A rising tide raises all ships."
Maria nodded towards Colby with a smile, only that only seemed to increase as Colby suggested the two of them getting in the ring.
>"My dear, it would be my pleasure. I have an appointment already made with all three members of WARHORSE first to really put me through my paces and shake off the ring rust in a 3 V 1. But after that, I'm all yours. I have to say, those were quite the impressive outings against Kelly and Mare. Do I dare say that you found somewhat of a spark within yourself?"
Hearing a name behind her Maria turned around to face a familiar, though heavily accented voice.
>"Ah Miss Foster, a pleasure as always. Congratulations on your stellar rumble performance. I'm doing alright again, just had to take some personal time off for recovery, surgery and all. But I'll be ready to shake off the ring rust in no time. It was the right time to take a step back after that ladder match. Had to get a blood clot the size of a grape removed from my brain."