>>4980832>I saw it on some random show on T.V.Pic related.
By the way the theory is bullshit and has been debunked several times. First of all, Nibiru isn't really a thing in Sumerology. I.e. Sumerians didn't even write about it, some (((Jewish))) guy names Zecheria Sitchin came up with it after reading Erich von Dänikens "Chariots of the Gods".
Then there's the fact that planets have to orbit on certain paths around the sun, or they aren't planets, i.e. they drift off into space again. Those planets are known, and we have known about a tenth planet (Sedma) for years, because it slightly influences the paths of the outer planets. (All right, it's not a planet, it's called "transneptunian object".) The point is we know a planet is there, even if we haven't spotted it yet with telescopes or space probes. And there is no Planet X as described by Sitchin.
And of course, according to Sitchin and your theory, we'd already have been visited by Nibiru several times since the 1990s. When Sitchin waas still alive, he kept correcting the date when that would occur, and the last date was December 21st, 2012. So saying Nibiru will kill us all on date X is like the Jehova's Witnesses saying the world will end on day X. They keep doing it, and it keeps not happening.