>>19027922Having made her decision, Priscilla gazes back at Carmody with her usual confident demeanour. Carmody had a lot to say. And now, so did Priscilla.
>Carmody, Carmody... I didn't expect this. But you've certainly lived up to my expectations so far, even if perhaps not quite in the way I anticipated.>However, I need to clear up some misconceptions. These people who you think have your back? People like Paule? Like Kanako? Like Ash?>They don't shine the way women like you and I do. Look at how many likes and comments your photos get on Tweetstagram. Then look at how many Paule's get. >These people will never be your real friends. They're parasites who've recognized your superiority to them, and want nothing more than to ride your coattails as far as it'll take them. And Ash? In all her years has she ever been THE girl in this industry? >Ask her. >Then ask yourself if she's equipped to teach you. The truth is, she just wants to take credit for your future successes when you're on top, and she's retired.>But me? Well, I don't need anything from you. And I'll never need to take credit for anyone else's achievements. Because I've already reached the summit. Priscilla reaches forward, and gently brushes a lock of hair away from Carmody's face
>But yet, you're right. I do want you. I want you because when I look at you, I see myself, only without the benefit of the advantages my wealth created for me. And that makes me want to help you become all that you can be. The very best.