Quoted By:
>be me
>be 2012
>16 year old wagecuck starting first job as cashier at Mcfatnold's
>one hot summer day some man wearing absolute shit clothes comes in
>we're in quebec so everyone speaks french
>i ask him (in ftench of fucking course) how i can help him
>he starts speaking english, orders small drink
>i tell him in english that all sizes are 1$ so he can order any size
>give him a large
>thanks me and goes about his day
>ffw after my shift
>walking home with Mcdouble meal and an extra chicken junior, like usual
>see same homeless man on the street, getting ready to sleep
>give him spare change and share lunch with him.
>help him with his french and the various words and slangs we use in Quebec, turns out he is an american that ran away from his abusive family when he was 15 and illegaly crossed the canadian border
>buy him diner every night and hang out every night
>become good friends
>one day about 2 years ago i noticed he now has a tent and now does odd jobs for odd people and is able to buy water purification tablets and soap to wash himself
>my mcdonalds also now hiring
>give him a job application paper and a pen and ask him if he wants a job
>of course he does
>next day
>he comes in with his best clothes and turns in his job application, he put in my phone number and an explanation that since he doesn't have a phone yet and that i often hang out with him they'd have to call me
>get call from general manager, he's been accepted for an interview and she'd like me to go see him and tell him the news
>do so, he goes to the interview
>we've worked togheter for a year and a half before he had enough money to cross the american border and return to his hometown where he plans to rescue his younger siblings (who are now about 11) from his abusive parents.
I'll miss you, you amazing bastard