>>12056576>has anyone else considered praying to satan or another god to avoid the old pitfall of doing the same thing and expecting different results?Not yet, but I'm considering it since Judeochristianity seems to be a major lie and a plagiarism and inversion of our original Aryan religion.
Christianity is the inversion of original Aryan ancient religions. Everything in Judaism and Christianity had been stolen from Sumerian and Vedic religion including Yahweh (Vedic Yahvah), Satan (Sumerian Enki, Vedic Agni)
The early tales of Genesis are stolen and corrupted from the Sumerian's. Enki (Satan) created Adamu with the red clay of the Apsu and breathes the breath of life into him.
Later the Jews stated Yahweh creates Adam with the red dust of the earth and breathes the breath of life into him.
What about the "fallen angels"?
>"The Jewish authors often inverted the Mesopotamian intellectual traditions with the intention of showing the superiority of their own cultural foundations.>[thus]... the antediluvian sages, the Mesopotamian Apkallus, were demonised as the "sons of God" and appear as the fallen angels ... illegitimate teachers of humankind before the flood."Abraham = Brahman
>https://www.boloji.com/articles/15119/abraham-and-brahma-part-iAdam = Adamu
>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adamu_(Assyrian_king)Read the "Sumerian Liturgical texts" by the Stephen Langdon