Do you hate /bant/s current state but still want an alternative with likeminded people?
Come join us at
tribo.meIts a site developed by only one guy, with pretty much all active users being /bant/erers and without any real rules (or hotpocketlords) except obvious shit like no CP
You can post whatever you want, in the /bant/ trib or even make your own "boards" , doesnt matter where you post stuff, its all shown together on the main page
For clarfication, there is no karma or anything, the upvote system kind of works like saging stuff, if the post has more negative than positive after 24hours it will be gone
The TP numbers and top contributors thing just shows how much a person has spent themselves , not how many upvotes theyve gotten or something like that
Note that there is still no fucking PW recovery and confirming your email is completely optional so make sure you remember it